Battle Cry
Things are coming to a head. America has elected a government which can, not unreasonably, be described as, if not fascist, then at least possessing fascistic tendencies (that would be in the true meaning of the word, with the state and corporations acting as one, rather than the modern interpretation, with all its connotations of racial ideologies). The Blair government seems intent on following them down that road. Various personal freedoms are sacrificed to some notional "greater good" which is never fully defined. And, most worryingly, we seem almost certain to have identity cards foisted upon us. Probably containing biometric information. And nobody seems to care. "Well, if you've done nothing wrong, what have you got to hide?" is the question they ask. Completely the wrong question. A much better question is, "I've done nothing wrong - who are these people that want to pry into my life? And why?" So they can prevent terrorism? Come on - how many terrorists are likely to have genuine ID cards? It won't help. It's simply another repression of our liberties.
I would like to issue a call now - don't sign up for these things. We can defeat them, if we all stick together on this issue. However, since only about 3 people read this crap, and none of them would agree with me, I need a wider audience. Or at least someone else who has a wider audience needs to be saying this.
Let's find somewhere. Let's try to start something. Do you really want Jack Straw knowing your DNA sequencing? Or how many beers you drank on Saturday? It's none of their business, and it should stay that way.
Think of the Poll Tax - these things can be beaten. But we need to be organised now.
I would like to issue a call now - don't sign up for these things. We can defeat them, if we all stick together on this issue. However, since only about 3 people read this crap, and none of them would agree with me, I need a wider audience. Or at least someone else who has a wider audience needs to be saying this.
Let's find somewhere. Let's try to start something. Do you really want Jack Straw knowing your DNA sequencing? Or how many beers you drank on Saturday? It's none of their business, and it should stay that way.
Think of the Poll Tax - these things can be beaten. But we need to be organised now.