Sunday, September 26, 2004

Death and taxes

In the course of putting off filing my tax returns (I don't know why. It's hardly difficult) thoughts wander to other things. Other inevitabilities. And so - how can I start planning my funeral? Is there some way I can do it in advance? Specify a non-religious memorial service (the very word "service" seems innately linked to religious ceremony. Have things reached a critical mass?) Ensure that people sing the songs I want (in particular "The Red Flag" and "The Internationale" - as much to annoy my relatives as anything else). And, as the coffin enters the ground/furnace/whatever, the strains of AC/DCs "Highway to Hell" kick off - well, I like the idea...
Or a more organic burial, wrapped in a cloth, in the woods somewhere - seems nice. Still want the music, though.


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