Saturday, September 18, 2004

unspeakable, uneatable, yah-de-yah

So, following on from the man dressed up as batman to promote the "Fathers for the right to beat up their wives and still have access to their kids" movement (or whatever it's called, I forget) comes the invasion of parliament by the landed aristocracy. What the fuck for, don't they own the country already? No, hang on, the industrial revolution handed it over to the capitalist class. Nonetheless, they arrived, no-chins, gene-pool diminished through centuries of in-breeding, in order to demand their right to gain some sort of sexual kicks by watching a small animal get ripped to shreds.
"Protect the rights of minorities", they yelped. Wonder how many of them went on the gay pride demo to protect the rights of that particular minority. Wonder if there's a tradition of "toff-bashing" - beat the shit out of someone simply because they enjoy drinking Bollinger, eating caviar and ripping foxes to pieces. Nah, don't think so - not a particularly dangerous minority to be a member of.
And for those of you who don't believe this is a class issue, why is it that the "working class" bloodsports - dog fighting, cock fighting (no, no, no, it's with male chickens, you disgusting reprobate) etc are all banned, but the one which requires you to own a troop of horses, a pack of dogs and several hundred acres of countryside is still permitted.
And, having got that out of my system, I can stop for the evening...


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