Friday, September 17, 2004

Liffey and soul

Ah. It seems I've not written anything here for a while. Not that anyone's really noticed. Ho hum.
Anyway, what's happened? Well, I've been confused by Leopold Bloom (which, I suppose, is a step up from being confused by Orlando Bloom. But only a small one), Mr Tony's been lining his pockets with more money whilst appointing his friends to government positions, and George Dubya is taking a large lead in the US presidential elections. Oh good. Because we all hate life, right?
But what's fucked me off to an unreasonable degree, more than most other things, is the new National Lottery advert. OK, so the lottery itself is a disgraceful farce. A tax on the dreams of people with little hope. Or great stupidity. But nonetheless, what's possibly even more galling is the woman on the advert who says "in the lottery of life, your chances are improved 100% if you take part". So the leap from zero to some non-zero number is a leap of a hundred fucking percent? Is this a deliberate attempt to lower mathematical standards? If people know some maths, they realise they're not going to win the lottery, and they'd be best off spending their money on the horses, if they want to gamble, or just binge drinking and pissing it up the wall, so, to counter this, they try to appeal to ignorance.
For fuck's sake.
And I also saw some "diet" crisps that the shop-keeper had advertised as "less than 10% fat-free". But that's another story.


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