Tuesday, June 15, 2004

kings of speed?

I rarely get riled. Well, in fact, that's a lie. I get riled by most things (injustice, terrorism [both individual and state], global poverty, bad tv, the bad weather, the good weather... I think Jerry Sadowitz put it best when he said "There's only three things I hate - living things, objects, and miscellaneous, in case I've missed anything." But I digress...)
In any event, I rarely get riled enough to rattle off letters. But this morning, I did. I was listening to Radio 5. I like Radio 5. It soothes. It doesn't have the pretensions of Radio 4 in the mornings (and I can't stand the sanctimonious hypocrisy of 'Thought for the Day' - it's either some right-wing bigot like Anne Atkins with one of her misanthropic diatribes about how Christians love everyone but God hates fags, or its someone akin to the Rabbi Lionel Blue, trying to smother the world in a syrup of liberal niceness - a sort of 'Hello. I'm nice, and I'm going to talk in a nice, gentle voice about some moment of nice, gentle comedy'. But this isn't the point, either). No, I like Radio 5. It has football commentary on it. The delightful, Boltonian Victoria Derbyshire is a presenter on it (I've met her, you know. Bought her a pint in a pub before a match last year - must email her to see how she is...) and the late night discussion show is fantastic - the people on it are generally incredibly stupid and know very little about anything, but it provides a fantastic white-noise to fall asleep to. But the Breakfast Show is the best. Wake up to it - it's got news, sport and nothing too heavy. OK, it's also got Nicky Campbell, but you can't have everything - sometimes fortune's wheel just doesn't spin for you. However, today it was inundated with people moaning about speed cameras. They're not fair apparently. Some bloke lost his job because he was caught on one for a third time, and he was 'only doing 5mph over the limit'. Well boo-fucking-hoo. If I murdered someone, and then claimed I'd only murdered one person, would that make it OK? No - you were speeding, you broke the law. Don't speed at all - that way, you're less likely to kill someone, and aren't going to lose your job. Is that too easy for you? "Ah, but they make roads less safe, because you're concentrating on where they are, not on the road". Crap. Point one - the discussion arose because some report had been released saying that they made roads safer. Point two - don't speed - if you don't they won't stop you. Is that, again, too easy for you? If you're really worried, how about we make them difficult to spot, and maybe move them around, so that you're not going to be constantly changing speed and worrying about them when you approach, because you won't know where they are. I have no sympathy with people who speed in cars - they're lethal weapons, and need to be treated with respect. If you're late - tough, you should have left earlier. Deal with it, and stop whining - you do not have an ingrained right to travel at high speed.


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