Sunday, May 30, 2004

disturbing hairdressing trends

Some things worry me unduly. I was at the hairdresser's yesterday. Being the fashionable and up-to-date type I am. The chap charged with my hair had a mullett. A genuine, very-short on top, long at the back mullett. And he's a hairdresser. I may add here that the woman who normally does it for me, but was on holiday yesterday, also sports one. Why? We laughed at Chris Waddle and Pat Sharpe back in the 80s. And quite rightly. No one wants to see the return of a hairstyle named after a fish. Particularly not one as ridiculous as that. I can only assume that hairdressers have hair-cuts that transcend all fashion - a bit like fashion shows with clothes that are exceptionally "now", but no one in their right mind would ever wear.
On another note, I saw Al Stewart last night. He was very good. However, it was pointed out by my friend that we need to reiterate here that a cat is for life, not just for a year.
I am making no comment on the fact that we seem to be surrendering more and more of our sovereignty to the US, this time arresting British citizen Abu Hamza, purely because they tell us to do so. I'd best stop now, before I start commenting. As I said I wouldn't.
And thus life goes on...


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