Sunday, May 09, 2004

fairy-tale facade

Hmmm. Since the name of this thing (whatever it is) was inspired by one of the more insane pieces of religious lunacy infecting the world (how on earth can you determine what Jesus would do? Especially given that most of the "information" regarding the man was written 50-100 years after his death, and that Christianity itself was invented another 200-300 years after that, by the Emperor Constantine and the Council of Nicea? But I digress...)
Coming back from a pleasant afternoon in the pub, I was handed a leaflet, by a woman outside the tube-station, offering me eternal life. Now, aside from the fact that eternal life doesn't really sound that appealing (we all get tired, and eventually things have to stop), it is also meaningless. Particularly when phrased in terms of your "soul" living on. How? Why? What is this soul thing? In what sense is it alive now, and how would it live on? No one seems able to answer even the simplest questions.
Nonetheless, the scars go deeper. A review of the Reith lectures in today's Observer praise one questioner for having the "guts" to defend George W. Bush. Why? Where's the courage in putting forward the opinion defended by those with power and wealth. And, we ask, what's the difference between Bush and Osama Bin Laden. Well, one's the religious fundamentalist son of an oil-billionaire with no democratic mandate to support him, and the other's Osama Bin Laden. Ho, ho, ho...
But we seem to be living in a time of a religious war, whatever he might say. An insane, right-wing, born-again Christian re-enacting the crusades, propelling some equally lunatic, albeit more desperate, Muslims to kick back in an ever increasing spiral of savagery.
But what do I know about it? Hell, what would Puskas do? Purr. Purr and sleep. Which, in my book, sounds a lot more sensible.


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