Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Taste the Zeitgeist, and try not to retch...

And from being physically ill, to events that make you feel sick.
Consider the contrast. Last week, Mordechai Vanunu was released from prison, after being locked up for 18 years for telling the truth (always worth remembering Winston Churchill's thoughts on the truth: "In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies." And not just in wartime, eh, Winnie?). Welcome out, Mr V., even though you're not allowed to talk to me, at pain of being re-imprisoned. Still an improvement on solitary confinement, I shouldn't wonder. Now ponder the following: This week, it was announced that 10,000 people have signed up to test the new biometric ID card scheme, that the government is fast-tracking into existence. Presumably to stifle debate. So these 10,000 fuck-wits have signed up to build their own prison, and mine too. And what's going to live on these cards? DNA records? Probably. Medical records? So much for Hippocrates. Pah. Old thinking anyway. But it'll stop terrorists. Yes, of course, because terrorists are all law-abiding citizens, and will of course carry genuine cards....erm, hang on - isn't there something wrong with that argument? No, probably just me, then.
And it'll stop illegal immigrants. Apparently. Or maybe it'll just drive them further underground, into more crime, and be the biggest boost the black-market could have.
But if I don't carry one, I have no right to benefits and won't be able to use the NHS. And will be left to the tender mercies of Big Ron Atkinson, Rebekah Wade and the White-Robed, burning cross hoards of the Daily Mail. A rock and a hard place, eh? Is there no one I can vote for who'll oppose this insanity? One further thought - the words of V.I.Lenin - "Liberty is precious, so precious it must be rationed" Who'd have thought that damn commie's philosophies would be driving one of the most right-wing governments in years?
More thoughts on terrorism later, and the Orwellian double-think required to get around the concept of fighting for Freedom in Iraq, whilst simultaneously removing it at home. Joined up government? Or just not really fighting for Freedom abroad. Nah, they wouldn't lie to us....


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