Friday, November 18, 2005

What? Eh? What?

I did read in the paper, today, about a new class of political pundits. Bloggers, apparently. Marvellous. Good for them. Except that most of them seemed to be idiots. Ranging from the fools you find normally in America, who pretend to be libertarians, but instead seem to forget the liberty bit, and not realise that far more liberty is lost though large, multinational corporations dominating our lives than governments, who we can at least hold accountable, through to a more British species of idiot. The pro-war left. Eh? Which fucking war are you pro? All wars? The first world war? You think it was a good idea for the various royal families to squabble that much over who governed which bit? Although I suspect it was more pro the recent, indeed currently ongoing, war in Iraq. You thought it was a good idea? Glad you're not in charge at the moment, and the pro-war right can continue ruling...
The point of this all is, however, that most blogs, including this one, are written by moderately intelligent chaps. The problem is that others are written by people who think they're more intelligent than that, and that people are interested in them, whereas here at whatwouldpuskasdo we're all fully aware that no one gives a fuck what we write, and that, if you want someone to tell you what to think, you'd not be here in the first place. This is simply a place for some drunk bloke and his cat to sound off. And argue with anyone who'll stop by...
And my final proof? If blogs were really as important as was claimed, would the writers have to accept condescending pats on the head from the fucking Guardian?


Blogger Brindle said...

My dear Puskas, I'm SO sorry to have upset you. Was just musing, you know...Won't do it again. Promise.

11:38 AM  
Blogger Neil said...

Hi Puskas. Brindlecats thinks she upset you because her long comment on politicians isn't there. But I reckon ALL your comments were deleted when you 'upgraded' your look? So nothing to worry about.

2:32 PM  
Blogger Puskas said...

Sorry, Brindlecats - as Neil says, you've not upset me - I accidentally removed all comments when I changed my format. I could try to put them back. But I suspect it would be a lot of work. And I'm lazy...

12:07 AM  

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