Friday, November 04, 2005

And where do we go...?

I speak as a UK citizen here. A member of my country's government - basically, a man who has been elected to serve me - has resigned. Why? Well, so far as I can understand, he ignored the rules on taking up non-parliamentary jobs by not asking for advice from the Parliamentary Committee. Advice that he could have, according to the rules, ignored. But the very fact he didn't even ask for it shows the sort of man we're dealing with, here. In any event, he took a directorship with a DNA-testing company. What exactly are his qualifications for such a role? Academically, I imagine, less than mine. Practically, well, he knows his way around governement, and can help them win various lucrative contracts. So that makes him worth the money. It also makes him corrupt, and willing to sell himself, and his contacts, for a smally sum of money. And yet, he has the nerve to say he's done nothing wrong. He's broken parliamentary rules about taking jobs after leaving governmentm despite those rules being almost unbelievably lax. He's used the fact that he was once in the cabinet to line his own pockets, despite the fact he was meant to be serving the people of the country, not himself. He is, to be blunt, criminally corrupt. Like his Prime Minister. Like most of the cabinet. But, because such corruption is almost universal, the government get away with it.
And that is a sickening scandal.


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