Saturday, September 10, 2005

It's getting worse... Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller (wonder which comprehensive school she attended...), erstwhile head of MI5, announces that "Some erosion of what we all value may be necessary". More attacks on civil liberties. I ask again - why is this erosion necessary? Manningham-Buller claims to be concerned that partial evidence held by the security services may not be enough to secure convictions. Oh - and? Why not gain more evidence, then? Surely that's the point of the "intelligence" services? Keep the suspects under surveillance? Is that unreasonable? Employ more than one person to watch them, so that you don't end up missing someone leaving the house, and shoot the wrong person. For example.
Democracy has always been hated by the ruling classes. Ever since the days of the Chartists, and even before, each gain has had to be won through bitter struggle, and now, more than ever, these gains are under threat, not from some nebulous "terrorist network" from overseas - that facile stock response of many liberals that "we can't do this or the terrorists have won" is obviously wrong, the terrorists haven't won until their ridiculous objectives have been implemented. The people who have won are the people who own and rule the country, the people who want to continue making their money, and holding onto their power, at the expense of the rest of us.
And, whilst talking of Dame Manningham-Buller, she was "disappointed" that her security service didn't stop the attacks on London in July. Well, I'm glad you're disappointed (indeed, since I'm guessing you don't use public transport much, it's very magnanimous of you to feel that way!) however, shouldn't such a serious failure be a resigning matter? Oh, I forgot, people in power don't resign anymore. They're too important.


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