The latest mass-debate in the Mr Tony vs Mr Michael popularity poll
You can almost hear the shouts "Our NHS policy is better than yours" "No! Ours is better than yours..." With nothing to back up the claims. It's all very exciting, isn't it? Who do you prefer, the baldy foreign-type from the right-wing party with racist undercurrents, or the smarmy public-schoolboy from the right-wing party with racist undercurrents? Who has the most fluid - Punky Meadows or Jeff Beck? (No, I don't understand either, I've just been listening to Frank Zappa...)
So we now have the edifying spectacle of a pensioner's wait for her shoulder operation becoming the latest political football. But more intriguing was the comment from a Radio 5 "expert" that this was all signifying we were lining up for one of the most "ferociously fought" election campaigns in history. Intriguing because, one has to ask, what exactly are they fighting over? Where are the battle lines? Where do the differences lie? As the Tories - a party who have always opposed the NHS since it was first founded - now feel they can challenge Labour on their health policies, whilst Mr Tony is doing his "I'm more neo-Liberal than you" act to anyone who cares about his obsession with deranged, provably false economic dogma, the rest of us are bound to feel a tad confused.
Still, at least they're sending a firm message on immigration out, eh?
So we now have the edifying spectacle of a pensioner's wait for her shoulder operation becoming the latest political football. But more intriguing was the comment from a Radio 5 "expert" that this was all signifying we were lining up for one of the most "ferociously fought" election campaigns in history. Intriguing because, one has to ask, what exactly are they fighting over? Where are the battle lines? Where do the differences lie? As the Tories - a party who have always opposed the NHS since it was first founded - now feel they can challenge Labour on their health policies, whilst Mr Tony is doing his "I'm more neo-Liberal than you" act to anyone who cares about his obsession with deranged, provably false economic dogma, the rest of us are bound to feel a tad confused.
Still, at least they're sending a firm message on immigration out, eh?
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