Monday, June 19, 2006


Reading the paper this morning, I found an article about a man named Derek Ogilvie. He claims to be able to read babies' minds. I wondered at first if I'd bought the Daily Mail by mistake. But no, definitely the Guardian. And there it was: a story about a man who can do a few sub-Paul Daniels parlour tricks involving cold-reading being treated seriously. Why? The interviewer says "I have met and interviewed a galaxy of psychics over several years, but he is somehow from a different mould". And? The same sort of remarks were made about Uri Geller, the former stage magician who realised he could make more money, and didn't need to be as talented, if he pretended it was real. And no one takes him seriously any more (Noel Edmonds caught him cheating, for fuck's sake!)
Yet the Guardian - a newspaper that likes to pretend it's serious - expresses not a word of scepticism towards this man. Hmmm. I wonder what'll be in the Independent tomorrow...


Blogger Hiraeth said...

John Edwards (Kerry's former running mate) does, too.

11:11 AM  

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