Thursday, July 29, 2004

Pub talk

Things often get sorted in pubs. Or at least decided. So this as much as a reminder - memo to self, sort of thing. But I feel that Mr Tony is one of the most corrupt Prime Ministers this country has ever had. Yet he's defended by the phrase "At least he's better than the Tories". Well, maybe. Or maybe merely just as bad. But with the Tories, at least you're expecting a government that is going to line its own pockets, and those of its big business friends, at the expense of the rest of the country. It always used to be different under Labour. Or I thought it did, at least.
Nonetheless, I will, over the course of the next few weeks, be chronicling all the bribery, all the corruption and all the lying that has gone on under Mr Tony. From the early days of trousering Bernie Ecclestone's cash for ensuring formula one escapes bans on tobacco advertising, through the Iraq massacre, up to the restoration of Mr Peter "Twice involved in bribery scandals, but now back" Mandelson. Oh yes. It's going to be fun. It's also going to take a spot more research than can be done at 12.40 on a Friday morning. Thus this note. Ah well, it's a start.


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