Monday, May 30, 2005


In the latest "amusing" story, the Catholic church have announced that they are going to advertise for new priests on posters and, for some reason, beer mats. This, one suspects, will pose something of a challenge for whichever advertising agency is lucky enough to get the account. How do they sell it? There's the unappealing - "Give up sex, become a priest"; the contraversial - "Paedophiles, need help covering your tracks? Become a priest" or just the prosaic truth - "Do you like lying to people about how the world works? Become a priest." Although they may lose out to politics in the last case. Nonetheless, it does cast some doubts on the claim that people are called to the priesthood by God. If less people are coming forward, perhaps She's just calling less people. And who are the church to query that?


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